Thursday, May 24, 2007

Question 1

*what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I think that the theme of this novel is that the government has too much control over people, and that the government and political system is all a lie. This is because throughout the story, when history occurs, the government decides it wants to change it. They erase the history and say it never happened. All the people believe this and follow what the government says because the government makes sure no record is left of what history they want to erase. People probably believe this because they cannot even keep a diary and record their thoughts, or any other way of recording the past.
The purpose of this book is to uncover the possibilities of a totalitarianism type of government. It is an example of what a dictatorship is like. In the novel, the government always watches the people, and something as small as not cheering loud enough, or showing enthusiasm for Big Brother ( the leader of the government), can cause severe punishment. It also controls information. The government destroys what information they want to and make what information they want to. It also controls what the people do and say. There are cameras and microphones to listen on to what people are saying. It is like every person is not a person, but a robot being controlled by the government. This is why I think that the main theme is to show how governments can be dangerous.
This can relate to a teenager living in 2007 because if this occurs we can be affected by it. We can make sure this doesn't happen by taking action now for the generations to come. We can write letters to the government to show what our opinions are and to show them that just because we are normal teens doesn't mean we don't know anything. It can show them that we care about what type of government we have. This way we can stay strong and keep the government from doing what ever it wants to do.

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