Friday, May 25, 2007

Question 6

* are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

I found that there were beautiful and disturbing settings in the novel. Overall, there were more disturbing settings than beautiful settings. The most disturbing settings occurred at the end of the novel when Winston was being tortured in The Ministry of Love. Any type of torture to me is very disturbing because I think that it isn't right or fair to abuse any kind of mammal. When Winston was being tortured in room 101 by being threatened using his worst fear, rats, I found it very sad. While I was reading this, I had many mixed emotions. I was curious as to what would happen to him, I was mad at how a human could treat another human so cruelly, and sad for Winston having to experience so much pain. I found this meaningful because it reminds me of how older Koreans treat younger Koreans when the younger Koreans don't respect them or do what ever they ask them to do. What Winston went through is far more worse, but I think that this is the same kind of treatment, but at a lower level.
There wasn't a particular setting that was beautiful that actually stood out to me. I just thought that the times in the novel when Winston and Julia were happy together and felt what life was really supposed to be about was beautiful and meaningful. It wasn't really one setting, but little parts throughout the story that I felt this way.

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