Friday, May 25, 2007

Question 2

* who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

I think that the main characters in the novel are Winston Smith, O'Brian, and Julia.
Winston is the protagonist of this novel. He is thirty-nine years old and he is against Big Brother and the Party. He went against the party by keeping a journal, secretly meeting with Julia and not believing in the ideas of Big Brother. However, in the end, he is forced by torture to change his thoughts. In the end, he loves Big Brother. I really like him because he tried to follow what he thought was right and what he believed even though he wasn't successful. He reveals that even the places we think are the safest, like our mind and thoughts, can be changed and aren't as safe as we think they are.
Julia is a member of the Junior Anti-Sex League and becomes close to Winston. She secretly is also against the Party and Big Brother. I didn't really like her because she was a very stuck up character. I also don't like her because she took the easy way out. Instead of standing strong for what she thought, she just said what would get her out of pain when she was caught going against the Party and Big Brother.
O'Brian is a member of the Inner-Party that acted like he was against the Party and Big Brother to gain Winston's trust. Then, when he gained his trust, he revealed his true feelings that he wasn't actually against the Party or Big Brother, and then tortured Winston. I don't like him at all because he is evil. He tortures people and his beliefs seem to be ones a robot would have, not a human.

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